Get In Touch
MR. STIR architect + planner head office is located in the ‘Veemgebouw’.
The ‘Veemgebouw’ is a characteristic building located on the energetic Strijp-S
where the first light bulbs were manufactured for Philips and was redesignated in 2006 as a breeding ground for the creative sector.
Phone number
040 30 30 961
Office on Strijp-S (NL)
Torenallee 106-04
5617 BE Eindhoven NL
Office in Belgium (BE)
Romeinendreef 22
3620 Neerharen BE
Local hub Maarten
Van der Weeghensingel 16
5212 PH ’s-Hertogenbosch NL
Local hub Martijn
Hendrik Luytenstraat 8
6041 XT Roermond NL
MR. STIR architect + planner bv
KVK number : 76497585
BTW : NL860645897B01
IBAN : NL44 RBRB 0783 0939 18
MR. STIR architect + planner bv
enterprise number : 0679.888.341
BTW : BE 0679.888.341
IBAN : BE45 7360 3698 8689
webdesign and graphic design
BRNDT reclame & ontwerp in collaboration with MR. STIR architect + planner
Serge Technau Photography
Tim Van de Velde Photography – villa ARA Nieuw Stalberg
MR. STIR architect + planner bv